Group Therapy + Story

I love group therapy. I probably say this multiple times a week. I say it to clients, colleagues, friends. Literally everyone should be in some kind of group. Not because we “need” to be in one, but because we are transformed by it. There is something about having witnesses to our burdens, celebrations, griefs, and stuck places, that heals what ails us.

“What’s going to happen to me when I start group?”

— “All of your secrets are going to come out.”*

So much of what inhibits our ability to have healthy relationships and deeper meaning and joy in our life is due to the amount of energy we spend hiding what’s “wrong” with us. Group therapy offers a place where you can learn to be honest, have raw and unfiltered interactions, learn to trust yourself and others, develop a resilience for vulnerability, learn how to have productive conflict, and find freedom.

In the Story Group Therapy I lead, participants learn to recognize the story they are telling themselves in their heads about who they are and how they got that way. They learn how these stories hold sway over their lives; controlling their choices, behaviors, and relationships. Over time they learn of the ways both they and their stories have been abused, misinterpreted, and/ dismissed, and how that has led to unwanted behaviors, unhelpful thinking patterns, physical illness, and more. Group Therapy provides a safe space to engage the broken parts of your story, discover God’s redeeming presence in your life, and grow in becoming who you are meant to be while experiencing giving and receiving acceptance, compassion, and kindness in the process.

Interested in learning more about Groups? Find out more here or click Let’s Connect in the upper right corner on this page.

*quote taken from Group by Christie Tate

Amy Lathrop

Family, Jesus, life-lover, word-lover, freedom, gratitude, food, community, hospitality. Therapist, story-teller, healer, companion.

Reconstructing Something Truer